We did end up buying that Andrew Bird cd and I love it!
Oh no is the title of the first track, really like the lead in whistling bit.. a nice tune to get stuck in your head... and it makes me think of my grandfather who used to be such a fantastic whistler.
These are some old Russian propaganda pictures from the Cold War (taught a class on the subject on Friday). In my search for resources to use in the classroom (to make the subject a bit more interesting) I found a whole bunch of old posters, here are a few, I enjoyed looking through the old posters. Still running to stand still here, sorry for the lack of posts of late!
One other tidbit for the American folks out there- the
Fresh Air NPR interviews this week on the US health care system were really good-recommend it if you have time.
No making or baking this week sad to say... my other half has taken the cooking on lately, look forward to the end of this course and getting back to trying out recipes from some of our (recently unpacked) cookbooks.
We have doors and bookshelves now!!! Feel like at last I have landed!