Its time again for kumquat ricotta cheese cake (recipe here),
our little tree's branches are heavy with fruit!
It also is the season of artichokes so I will be stuffing them soon (recipe) mmmmmm,
looking forward to it!
Aside from some left over smiles from a Zumba class, food is clearly on my mind,
have not been cooking as much as usual this year and I miss it!
Hope you are sleeping in, enjoying a slooooowwww coffee and the paper ...or a leisurely conversation as you walk with an old friend, so many small pleasures to have when the weekend comes,
don't you think?
* Special note, we had the unexpected pleasure last weekend of having round some guests from Sicily, a blog friend you may know (Dim Sum, Bagels and Crawfish) and what a treat it was!! A delight to meet her and the rest of her lovely family in person, (it felt almost like an old friend coming round for tea!)
.... good conversations, laughter and excited happy kids all around!
.... good conversations, laughter and excited happy kids all around!