15 February 2015


I am not a T.V. person, in that I have little patience sitting to in front of a screen waiting for the right thing. So in the last few years my other half and I have turned to indulging in an evening ritual of tucking into a series. No time for binge watching as parenthood leaves us close to collapsing by the time we reach the post (kids) bed.
As we rounded into autumn we stumbled into Boardwalk Empire, overlooked for years, it fell into our laps here and we unexpectedly got drawn in. Into the world of prohibition, of Al Capone, crocked cops, new immigrants and post first world war vets. To be honest the gangster slugs and hit men  were only tolerable because not only is the acting so good, but the characters complex. It is though the side stories which I find so rich and engaging.... it was certainly a very particular and unique time in US history. I haven't even mentioned the costumes, oh swoon.... for this alone give it a peek.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I had no idea you moved. I will be back to read about your adventures!!


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