19 December 2009


Two down, one to go, maybe next year will do some for the 'big people'  or should it be kept just for the children? For the slightly melancholy leaning (and open to a folky interpretation) Sufjan Steven's christmas albums have won me over this year. To taste a wee bit click here.


  1. your handwork (in Dutch it's called handwork, it must be something else in English, handcraft???) is amazing! You have to learn me some day.

  2. juniper, the things you stitch with your hands are all so beautiful. i cannot stitch a button and in school, in stitching class mine was the untidiest stuff and usually incomplete. therefore i really really admire anyone who can make things like these. i think you work magic with a needle.

  3. Thank you for the very kind words, I do enjoy creating things with my hands. Migration studies was extremely interesting and something I feel very strongly about but a part of me would have really loved to have gone back to school for something in the arts. Loved block printing best but that was another lifetime.

  4. Wow they're BEAUTIFUL! I wish I could claim any such creativity for the holiday season!

  5. The stockings are beautiful-well done!

  6. I keep coming back and looking fondly at your beautiful stockings, and wishing I had done something so lovely by hand for my girl. Well...maybe next year I'll have more time. Thanks for the inspiration, and happy holidays to you and our family! I'll send you some virtual snow (though I think there is a great deal more on the east coast right now than we have here in Colorado. It was 62 F and sunny today in Denver!)

  7. I love the stockins you made Juiper--they are keepsakes the children can guard forever. The books are so sweet--off to amazon to find the author you recommended;o) Hugs, ev


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