05 October 2009

School Days

Feels like we really are back in the school year  here, maybe it's me or my memory but I swear I don't remember having so many notebooks when I was a kid, last night we were up til late covering (I counted) 16 little notebooks (thats just for the 5 year old). I really don't think I had Math homework when I was five (little Mr. T has 5 notebooks worth and three large workbooks just for math). Maybe he has a 'special' kind of teacher this year.

She certainly is specific, the Maltese notebook has to be covered in red plastic, the Science green, English blue etc. . The other thing was all the labels!!!! From paint brushes to glue sticks to folders (even his own little box of tissues was instructed to be labelled) , have schools lost the art of teaching sharing to kids?  I realised that I wrote my sons entire name (which is no short name) 32 times on these various labels. There is a good chance I may sign his name next time I go to the bank.


  1. Oh, I love hedgehogs, and Jan Brett draws them beautifully!

  2. oh yes!! with a new born in the house and 2 children off to school I was in a ''husband you have to help me panic mode''. Luckily it is over now and we are left with just hw!! Does your 5yr old get homework?

  3. Ah yes- then you are in the labelling copy book wrapping mode too!! Yes, our 5 year old has been getting about an hours worth of hw a night, nothing too demanding difficulty wise, just a lot of writing letters and numbers again and again and again. Pretty tedious and boring for the little guy but I suppose his handwriting will reap the rewards?! I don't want to go against his teacher but it seems a bit much (150 number 1's on Sunday night). Do your children have much homework?

  4. Hi, my 5 year old also gets alot of writing, repeating the same letter and number and also maltese alphabet recognition !! It is pretty boring for him to come home after a day sitting down in the class room to sit down again and start to write once again. His energy levels drop drastically whilst doing homework. Then as if by miracle once he is done he becomes him self again. My daughter who is in year 5 does get also alot of homework and 30 minute reading a day too.

  5. Thanks Dina!
    So you are in the same boat (but times two)! My middle child will start year one next year. So just one bored tired of sitting child to accompany and keep motivated (and on task) at the moment. Luckily little Mr. T does come back alive after all the writing and so far seems to enjoy his time at school. Wish we had a big grassy field next to us that he and the girls could just run and run in, they have so much energy at this age!

  6. Mine are full of energy once the hw is done. On thursdays my boy will start playing football with the local club and i take my daughter to gymnastics, however the rest of the week i have to plan and start taking them for an gour down to the playground.

  7. Josie had homework every night in Kindergarten except for Fridays! She is now in 3rd grade and it is still the same routine!

  8. Can't understand why teachers do not hand over their list of copybook/books requirements before the start of the summer holidays. That way parents would have ample time to cover and label books at leisure!!


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