Um... so some months ago I bemoaned organized parties, favors, etc. and well I now need to do some confessing ... I crossed over - I went deep into the party favor realm,
but tried with every inch NOT to give in to plastic crap and too much sugar-in-wrapping... so after some thought and late night sewing and painting sessions I came up with these for my littl rock collecter girl child (aka too often lost in the middle child).
In truth this was really her first 'party' complete with friends from 'school', written (and enveloped) invitations, games and party favours!

The earlier mentioned shy boy (notice the heart on his crown) made by hers truly, rock collector Madame.
Aside from the airplane addicted boy who went into run around- zip up mode from the get go (he isn't so good at handling excitement or change in routine..thus.... we often refer to this fellow as our spirited child). Meanwhile little D. proved she was not only a star greeter and host but a dancer and a champ at particpating in every activity - she nearly won at musical chairs to everyone's disbelief!
We may have a few years of quiet picnics in the park now ... till I build up to a joint girl party in full glory (no nothing pink).... will give it a year or so....
p.s. It is my lovely mother in laws house featured in most of these photos- this is where the party was held (logistics I won't get into here).
Oh this is wonderful!! I love the party bags, home made that's great..
ReplyDeleteCan i just say that whoever comments on these on a negative note is simply wasting time, energy and money doing or buying crappy toys and party bags that will be thrown away after a day or two. I soooo agree with what you did. Please do keep it up as I think that this is so neat and thoughtful. I'm sure going to note this for my kids birthday parties. WELL DONE!!
Thanks Dina!
ReplyDeleteMy husband thought I was mad for going through all the extra effort, but in reality it just took a little extra planning and a few evenings of sewing and painting. I hope that at least it's something the children can use for more than a few days. In making them I actually got a few more ideas for next year, trying to note them down now before I forget!
Well done Juniper. These are so unique and lovely. I wish I was a kid at the party...;-P
ReplyDeleteI'm with the previous comment, such lovely presents for the children to take home. I think its a great thing for the birthday child to have a party and all the presents and attention that comes with it but also for them to give something to their guests, these gifts will be treasured. I love the fabrics you've used. Can't believe she's 4 already!
ReplyDeleteWay to go Jupe. I know the polite shrug all too well. Bet it was just her guilty mom speaking, too. It looks like a great time and those bags will be used forever and ever! Did you make the mugs as well? I love them and the pencil rolls are adorable. Ah, so many great ideas. Hope I can get my act together some springtime for some things like this!! Bravo
ReplyDeleteFantastic! You pulled off a fabulous party on all fronts and I love all the ideas you put into play. I've jotted them down for future reference around here. I can't tell you how many favor bags I've thrown away, even before little heads hit the bedtime pillow (really? more candy?), but these?! These! They are magic. And a true expression of you and the values you are sharing with your little ones. Do tell about the mugs...they look like the perfect thing for us hot-cocoa-drinking Midwesterners :)
ReplyDeleteOh my GOSH! Those are party favors extraordinaire...and SO much better than the mass-produced kind. You could go into business. I would have given my left arm to be at that party! Awesome.
ReplyDeleteThank you Priya, figure they are things I wouldn't mind using myself.
ReplyDeleteYOu are sweet Rachel, yes, the mugs are actually little white espresso cups that I painted, they are just the size for small hands. My only regret is that at my local art store had black paint so I had to make the most of that but I would have loved to do animals in color. we are now in winter hot milk and honey mode after school and my kids each have a little mug with a different animal (thank you Wittards in England) which is what gave me the idea.
Thanks Melissa, but I do think she honestly said it as if I have maids and things...guilt did not come into it. Different world here, home made is regarded as very low. Perhaps she was surprised (not in a good way) that everyhing was not pink and coated in images of Cinderella and barbie.
Beth- thanks and am sure in the states you can find a far wider selection of paints, stencils and cool small cups. These were care of tal-lire (dollar store ahem.. but hey six porcelain expresso cups for two euros isn't bad eh)...
Maia - thank you for the nice comment. It did push me to stop timidly circling my sewing machine and get on with it. Now am on to some other projects.. fallen behind in the swap prep!!!
Wow, Jupe, well done!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt all looks lovely and we hope you and 4 year old!!!!! lady had a fab time.
Big kissss
Wauh it looks as if she had a great day. Happy 4
ReplyDeleteHello J. The girls were all talking about this post and the mothers comment. Some people are strange. I think it's wonderful. Never let the creative flame blow out sweetheart. Some people don't understand that others actually enjoy creating and making things. Here's to home made and having fun doing it! Big hugs xxx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, the favor bags look so great, so much better than store bought ones!!