11 February 2010

Happy Valentines (almost)

May there be love

and a bit of wild fun! 

* Our Mr. T decided the night before his school carnival party (and after days of refusing any costume) that he wants to be a robot, so as any nutty parent would do, we were up putting on the finishing touches till late in the night... so viva carnival! LIttle D is a neon orange sunflower- care of a hand me down costume. The middle lady has chosen to be a mermaid (have not squeezed out the influences of Disney yet). 
I think the robot may have something to do with the latest favourite song in the car- flight of the concords- the humans are dead (click on the orange link if you want a taste). Unfortunately I learned yesterday that our middle lady has memorised every word of the entire song- including- we poisoned their asses (thanks papa) am not laughing. 
See what happens when the mother is not in the car to school?!


  1. Happy V-day, my sweets!

    I am always happy to indulge in a robot costume for any occasion, appropriate or not (Q has a robot "hat" made from a shipping box and penned by daddy which she dons quite frequently).

    As for the long, evil arm of the Disney Princess cartel, I live in terror. I was SO relieved when I first realized that my girl was a dyed-in-the-wool tomboy. But I'm not sure I'm out of danger yet. The other day, she asked for one of the ghastly Tinkerbell-offshoot DVDs at Target and, with dread in my heart, I let her have it (only because many people have touted reverse psychology to me). Fortunately, she loathed it after less than ten minutes, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop, though.

  2. Love it! Please I hope you post the photos of all three in their costumes! and yes learning the song's words... how funny. the other day as Caramelo was doing his vocals (ooo! aaa! etc.) I asked him "do you really need to sound like Tarzan?" And since he repeats almost everything I say, he uttered "tarzan!" nice vocabulary for a 1 year old... And about Disney, also dreading it but as Maia said, I think reverse psychology and not making a big deal about it may be the best approach. Have a lovely Friday!

  3. So much in this post that I want to comment on. First, love those Valentines and your wild child/ren photo. Secondly, please post a pic of the robot costume. I am a sucker for home made robot costumes. Kept trying to convince my children to be robots but Noah did it last year and would rather do the whole Luke Skywalker thing. And don't even get me started on Disney mermaids. Lets just say that on a near daily basis my beautiful, Taiwanese daughter begs us to changer her name to Ariel. UGH. You are a good mama for staying up late to do the costume. Have a fun carnivale weekend. And Flight of the Conchords!!! We love them and yet haven't listened in so long. Must, must listen to them today. perfect winter pick-me-up and laugh out loud we all need right now. Finally, regarding the daddy school trips. I have such good memories of my dad picking us up in the afternoon and secretly stopping at the Seven-Eleven for icees and kitkats. I still don't know if my mom knows about that. We weren't allowed to have sugar growing up...love that my dad did that with us :)

  4. Ha, that's funny!

    I'm with Maia in this case........hoping to have a tomboy Poppy!

    Big kiss and have a good one!


  5. Happy Valentine's day to you too. Hey thanks for this morning , it was very nice meeting you and little one. (She's soooo cute!!). Thanks for singing to my baby girl ;) .

  6. The picture of your children is great! The expression on your sons face- priceless. Makes me smile. Happy Valentines!


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