My oldest turns five tomorrow (and ohh the anticipation). I had totally forgotten the focus and weeks of dreaming that goes into the expectations of birthdays at this age. He is almost too excited to sleep.
Was all fine sailing (apart from the fact that since we moved here he only has made friends through school- and only a few at that, and those few I really don't know very well). There is a very different culture here it seems.. not as common to have the spontaneous play dates after school. This wasn't the cause of stress though, it was the fact that it didn't dawn on me till yesterday that the party expectations are higher now
oh dear... do we really need to do the whole party favour thing..... already.. can't it still be simple... ...think we are definitely breaking the rules here in Malta by having a casual picnic at the beach and not a Disney themed party at 'palace of dreams' . Will he notice?? Will those who show up be totally disappointed??!! Are there any games I can quickly think up that will make it a perfect party to remember.
Will I somehow be able to make the Wall-E looking cake he has been asking for, begging for.... for WEEKS. The pressure we parents put ourselves under for our children's birthday - day is.... ridiculous... (actually my husband doesn't seem all that worried) maybe its more a mom thing.
side note
As the food obsessed parents we are, we have planned all sorts of different summer salads, dips, drinks (more aimed for the adults present admittedly). What terrible parents.