14 August 2009
Dust and Debris
12 August 2009

11 August 2009
First it was CARS

then it was TRUCKS and DIGGERS then was the all consuming TRAINS phase followed briefly by RACE CARS and ROBOTS and now our oldest (five years) has come fully into the latest phase- AIRPLANES!!!!!! It is seriously all he wants to talk about, read, draw or build at the moment. To give you a small sample was this mornings 20 minute drawing session- which resulted in this series. I won’t over do it with a photo of the airport he constructed covering his entire bedroom (using all toys available including, blocks, robots, dolls, cards and books as landing strips). Wonder how long this will last and what will come next?
09 August 2009
Sometimes things do somehow fall into place and you are reminded subtly that you are creating memories that not only your kids will (with luck) recall but yourselves as parents as well. Moments you want to savour, the cheery meandering of conversations, the light, smells and sounds. There were many of these in the last five weeks. On back porches, picnics on rolling midwstern country sides, and near campfires in the northern woods looking out at Lake Superior ….the squeals of kids in the background and the sweet company of old friends. Yes, feeling very revived and refreshed. The course now finished. It’s time for sewing, reading, painting, cooking and running.
The sounds of our neighbours trumpet echoing through the courtyard and fire works from Birgu's Festa pounding in the distance.... sweltering heat.. and the season of feasts. A fine welcome back to Malta. Best of all still fig season! This time a small kind (two inches rather than the earlier dark purple four inch size).... made some ice cream yesterday which came out quiet well. Roughly it was 250 ml fresh cream, 400 grams fresh peeled soft figs and 1/3 cup good quality honey.