01 November 2011

Ode to November

Lovely date no?
Ode to the start of November, 
here in Malta she has arrived with heavy winds, rain and very dark thundering skies. 
The kind of day to sip tea, stay inside, play music, read, paint, write. 

I recently came across this artist's work and had to share-  Duy Huynh... 
I  like the mood of his paintings, the rich colours and mysterious melancholy  feel.

What do you think?


  1. Yes 1-11-11 it is fun isn't it? I love these paintings you have on your post, especially the first one. Fantastic colors! Thank you. (yes the "Guernsey" book is a little jewel I am certain you will like).

  2. So glad the weather has changed even though I could do with lower degrees in temperature. I like the colours in the paintings and also the moods but am not so fond of the second picture, in my opinion there's too much sadness there! My favourite is the last one there's something quiet and calm and the being alone that I really like.

  3. Oh I love these, especially the second one.

    This is a lovely day for us as well because we made our big move on Nov. 1st last year. "Change your place, change your life" ... and it did. So we are celebrating today.

    Happy 11-01-2011 to you Juniper! Enjoy the clouds, wind, and all the wonderful coziness of tea and indoor projects!

  4. Very lovely portraits and colors...


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